If you are not strong in the mind, body or soul - give up and walk away. This distance isn't for the weak.

How do you even prepare for 650m? Ever see the movie Fast & The Furious? Drag racing at it's absolute finest, its a movie that launched a thousand careers. Rest in Peace PW!
They lived their lives fast....and furious. This 650m piece is FAST and FURIOUS! I bet Vin Diesel would break 1:30.
You have to put yourself in a position to fail and to be on the edge of vomiting. Some rowers have found that place while on the erg. A rare few found it racing on the water. Our gut tells us that the Crossfit community will own this distance. No rower (hear me out!) is prepared for this. They rarely live their lives fast and furious. They mostly live it slow and boring.
"I bet Vin Diesel could break 1:30"
Week 1 in the NFL sets up a good routine. You learn who is tough. You learn who can come back from a huge deficit - yeah I'm looking at you Washington Football Team! This is no different. A short 650m piece spread out between Juniors - Elite - Masters will show us who has spent their summer sitting by the pool side drinking cocktails or banging out pieces on the erg. I'm looking at you, Crossfitters!
Results will be live on Friday.