It's a name that sends shivers down your spine.
The MidWest Frozen Tundra. Hearing only the name should send a shiver down your spine, but when the full roster gets revealed it’ll send the competition into full on hypothermic shock. We’re expecting some decent competition within the PRL, but I’m expecting everyone to get cold feet when they see us next on their schedule.
We have people from all different states, teams and backgrounds to how they found the erg but, there is one thing that unites everyone. Speed. Speed born of winters upon winters of chipping away at PR’s through an icy cold drive to be the best.
To just give everyone the tip of the iceberg when it comes to our speed, we have several men who see a 5 and several women who have a 6 as the first digit of their 2k PR. One of which is only a Junior.
As the great Men at Work once asked, ‘Who can it be now?’ Well I’m not going to give too much away as I want the avalanche of wins to hit suddenly each weak. But I want to highlight a few of our best Yeti’s:
Paris Miller - Junior Women - Paris has done nothing but dominate the virtual spring and will take the same unrelenting form into the PRL. She dominated the 2020 USRowing Women’s Youth 1x National Champion and 2020 Rowers Choice Global Challenge Women’s U19 Champion recently but has been dominating on the water and on the erg since her first day! Paris doesn’t keep her excellence limited to the sport of rowing though, she also started a non profit organisation in 6th Grade.
Liza Ray - Elite Women - This KGBeast has taken the long way to get into the Tundra from Russia, to Florida, Columbia University and now Chicago. She has also represented the USA twice at U23’s as a Lightweight and is ready to bring that calibre of international standard, and a large fan base, to the PRL.
Jack Trimble - Elite Men - A Hobart and OKC Training Center Alum. Jack Be Trimble has already embraced the mascot fully and has some choice words for the other teams, ‘You really wanna throw down an erg piece against a Yeti? Kick rocks.’
Liam White - Junior Men - The Terminator is known for having no regard for himself, and doing anything that’s needed to get the job done. Everytime you watch Liam approach an erg you almost expect James Cameron to jump out and start filming, with the T-8.00’s walk out music playing in the background. He knows no fear, or pacing, so these short distances are his absolute wheelhouse.
Porter Weisburg - Elite Men - The Locksmith only started rowing his senior year of high school and straight away seemed like he held the keys to the sport. He’s a walking PR
and had multiple D1 offers within 6 months of his first day at the boathouse. He chose Stanford in the end, and is in the competition to show off the Cardinal fighting spirit, no matter the circumstances.
Sarah Roe - Elite Women - Rocky competes for the University of Wisconsin, by way of St. Paul, so you can count on one thing: the erg as her best friend 8 months a year, and not just an acquaintance. Her message is simple, ‘how hard can YOU work in the freezing cold?’
Sean Smith - One of our resident Crossfitters, with a history of competitive mountain biking too, Sean is all about competition and grit. A relative newcomer to the sport, he’ll embarrass those who have been doing this for years.
As I said earlier, that’s only a few of the icicles that make up the totality of Team Frozen Tundra. I can already feel the creeping cold, and the Yeti’s start to stir!